knock knock, it's the autism!

hello and welcome to my little hideyhole on this world wide web we find ourselves in. i'm myka, i live in the midwest and sometimes i feel like i AM the corn and beans and wheat i'm surrounded with...
...anyway, to continue my introduction; I'm diagnosed autistic and have a terrible, all consuming special interest in older televisions; not the programs, but the TVs themselves; the Cathode Ray Tube televisions that operated on Analog, which was sadly shut down in the US on June 12th, 2009.
When I was a wee baby, i wanted to be a switchboard operator; i have no clue why i thought that'd be a good job for me, considering my oodles of anxiety that would make me a terrible person to be in charge of keeping deadair from happening- but i've learned not to question young me.
it's not all bad, though, as the death of analog introduced me to an occupation i'll probably be way better suited for, that being an A/V technician, but i don't just have an interest in television. I love the old web, and decided to make this website (with the help of several templates, hodge podge of code snippets, and several breakdowns) to document my interests, life, and how they change (even minutely, i haven't changed much within the past decade, so don't count on it) over the time i actively keep up with this.